Manga, anime, manga, etc.
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Manga, anime, manga, etc.

Where you can talk about your fave mangas and anime
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 January 2008

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Number of posts : 3143
Age : 30
Registration date : 2007-02-11

January 2008 Empty
PostSubject: January 2008   January 2008 EmptyThu Jan 10, 2008 6:56 am

The following message is an email sent to you by an administrator of "Manga, anime, manga, etc.". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board at the following address:

Include this full email (especially the headers).

Message sent to you follows:



The forum has a new look! Thanks for all the members who contributed and gave ideas.

We now have new rules, so please check it out.

We also have new forums so we could talk about a whole variety of stuff.

The new forum layout is based on our Featured Manga 'Ouran High School Host Club' by Bisco Hatori. Please participate in the discussion!

We also have banners that you can now put into your signatures to advertise the site.

Enjoy the new forum!


A reminder that all members who have not been in the forum for more than four months will have their account deleted, regardless of posts.

If you lost/forgotten your password, email me and I will give you your new password.
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January 2008
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